Schmincke Aero Color Inks Standard Colour

£7.85 inc. VAT

Colour example: The upper part brushed on a white background and the lower part on a black background.

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Black 702, Brilliant Green 501, Brilliant Red 306, Brown Brazil 602, Burnt Sienna 604, Cadmium Orange Hue 204, Carmine 302, Chromium Oxide Green 504, Cobalt Blue 404, Dark Brown 606, Gold Ochre 600, Indian Yellow 203, Indigo 400, Lemon Yellow 201, Neutral Grey 701, Olive Green 503, Pale Grey 700, Permanent Green 502, Phthalo Green 500, Primary Blue Cyan 405, Primary Magenta 304, Primary Yellow 202, Prussian Blue 401, Red Madder Dark 301, Red Orange 205, Sapphire Blue 403, Scarlet 300, Sepia 603, Sienna 601, SUPRA White, Opaque 101, Terra Rossa Light 605, Titanium Yellow Green Shade 200, Transparent White 100, Turquoise Blue 406, Ultramarine 402, Violet 305


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