Schmincke Norma Professional Oil Colours Series 1 35ml

£7.40 inc. VAT

Schmincke Norma professional artists’ oil colour paints, resin-free, high-quality, and with the highest possible pigment concentration.

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Agate Brown 620, Azure Blue 424, Black Iron Oxide 702, Brilliant Yellow Light 234, Burnt Sienna 610, Burnt Umber 624, Cadmium Red 312, Caput Mortuum 616, Cerulean Blue 422, Chromium Oxide Green Brill 502, Cobalt Blue Hue 412, Emerald Green 504, English Red 612, Burnt Ochre Light 220, Golden Ochre 606, Green Earth 518, Indanthrene Blue 400, Indian Yellow 248, Indigo 416, Ivory Black 704, Lemon Yellow 236, Madder Red 318, Magenta 348, Neutral Black 700, Olive Green 512, Opaque White 116, Payne's Grey 706, Phthalo Blue 420, Phthalo Green 400, Poppy Red 304, Prussian Blue 418, Raw Light Ochre 600, Raw Sienna 608, Raw Umber 622, Red Earth 614, Royal Blue 406, Ruby Red 346, Sap Green 514, Titanium White 114, Translucent Red Brown 618, Ultramarine Blue Deep 402, Ultramarine Blue Light 404, Vandyke Brown 626, Yellow Ochre 602, Zinc Titanium White 118


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